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The purpose of these general conditions of use (called "T & Cs") is to provide a legal framework for the terms of provision of the site and services and to define the access and use conditions of the services by "the User ".
These T & Cs are accessible on the site, at the bottom of the page, under the T & Cs section.
Any registration or use of the site implies acceptance without any reservation or restriction of these T & Cs by the User. When registering on the site via the Registration Form, each Service Provider expressly accepts these T & Cs by checking the read validation box.
Continuing to browse the website implies acceptance of these T & Cs.
These General Conditions of Use, "T & Cs" are concluded for an indefinite period. They can be changed at any time.
The site www.lafricamobile.com is a product of the company LAFRICAMOBILE SAS, with a capital of 120 million XOF, located at 11 rue Vincens, Dakar RP Senegal.
LAFRICAMOBILE SAS can be contacted for any request at the following coordinates:
www.lafricamobile.com is hosted by the French company OVH, located 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix, Tel. : 1007.
Personal data is stored by this host. The latter guarantees maximum security against any attack on their integrity. It also guarantees that physical access to the premises or equipment is prohibited to any unauthorized person.
LAFRICAMOBILE ensures the security of the website and the protection of data.
In this section, terms beginning with a capital letter or a lowercase letter have the following meanings:
User account: refers to the space dedicated to the user who has created a personal account and which he can access on the Platform using his username and password. Some informations and personal data appear there, as well as the possibility of operate some actions.
General Conditions of Use: refers to these T & Cs specifying the rules for using the site.
Personal data: any information relating to a natural person identified or identifiable directly or indirectly, by reference to an identification number or to one or more elements, specific to his identity.
Individual or Client: refers to the natural or legal person, professional or not, who uses the site in order to contact and be put in touch with a Service Provider likely to provide him with a Service.
Platform / website : refers to the website of the company LAFRICAMOBILE SAS and accessible at the address www.lafricamobile.com
Description of LAFRICAMOBILE
LAFRICAMOBILE, via its platforms offers the marketing of products / services via mobile.
These services are described on the LAFRICAMOBILE website. General information is accessible to any user.
Certain functions are accessible subject to registration or linked to a paid service.
Acceptance of the T & Cs and modifications
The T & Cs are intended to frame the conditions of use of https://lafricamobile.com/, its services and content, by Users and to define their rights and obligations. Acceptance of these T & Cs implies acceptance of the terms of use of the platform by Users and all of the provisions contained in these T & Cs.
Acceptance is materialized by a click to validate the T & Cs. Continuing to use the Platform implies acceptance of these T & Cs.
Modifications of the T & Cs
For the development of its services, LAFRICAMOBILE SAS reserves the right to modify, at any time, the terms, conditions and notices of these T & Cs.
Any modification of the T & Cs will be the subject of information by any dematerialized means (email, pop-up ...) subject to validation by clicking on "OK". Failure to validate will constitute acceptance of the new T & Cs. Likewise, the fact of continuing to use the Platform after any modification of the T & Cs entails acceptance of the changes of the T & Cs. In the event of non-compliance by the User with the T & Cs, LAFRICAMOBILE SAS reserves the right to suspend or permanently block the User's access to the User Account, as of right and without notice.
Online services and use
The site offers the user free access, by browsing the site, to the information provided on the products and services provided by LAFRICAMOBILE SAS.
The User has the option of contacting the company by completing the contact form. The simple fact of completing the form and clicking on "Send" implies acceptance of the collection and recording of the data provided to LAFRICAMOBILE.
Access to paid services is possible after entering into a contract with LAFRICAMOBILE and subject to the conditions of this contract. Paid services may be the provision of an online tool / platform / API / code intended for the execution of marketing campaigns.
The conditions of access may be the provision of a customer account accessible by login and password; the provision of an access link ...
The customer user then has access to the paid service subscribed either directly through the website or by any other means communicated by LAFRICAMOBILE.
Use of the website
Users can access the website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in cases of events beyond the control of LAFRICAMOBILE SAS, and subject to any breakdowns and maintenance and updating interventions. necessary for the proper functioning of the said site and the equipment allowing its operation if necessary. Users are informed that use of the site may be suspended without notice for maintenance operations and data updates.
LAFRICAMOBILE SAS undertakes to:
- Guarantee, access to the website for the use of functionalities;
- Keep confidential all informations, non-public data to which the LAFRICAMOBILE SAS company may have access;
- Save data recorded by users within a reasonable period of 3 to 6 months;
- Provide assistance to users within the limits of their intervention skills;
- Update these T & Cs as well as the terms of use of said applications in order to comply with the laws and regulations in force.
LAFRICAMOBILE SAS retains the right to access user accounts as an administrator for the support and management of the Platform
To this end, he undertakes to only intervene on these accounts at the express written request of Users.
Users agree to:
- Provide all current and actual data and elements allowing the creation of the User account
- Respect the procedure for requesting assistance or express written intervention;
- Use the site for the purposes for which it was designed;
- Settle the amount due for the paid services made available to him.
For any assistance request on the LAFRICAMOBILE SAS site, Users must send an email to the following address explaining their request:
LAFRICAMOBILE SAS undertakes to intervene within 72 hours of receipt of the email. Sundays and public holidays are not counted in the intervention period.
The LAFRICAMOBILE SAS company confirms by return email that the request for assistance has been taken into account and, if necessary, agrees on the time of the intervention with the User.
LAFRICAMOBILE SAS is authorized to process personal data in accordance with Law n ° 2008-12 on the protection of personal data. This processing is understood to be the transparent collection of personal data necessary for the functioning of the connection service.
Depending on the actions you perform on the Platform, we will ask you for information that will be used by us for the implementation of the data processing identified below.
The data collected and processed by LAFRICAMOBILE SAS can be in particular:
LAFRICAMOBILE SAS collects personal data and implements the processing as Data Controller.
We collect your personal data to accomplish the following purposes:
Data transmission to third parties:
The company "LAFRICAMOBILE SAS" transmits your data to OVH, the host mentioned above and located abroad, for the sole purpose of hosting.
The data are kept for 1 (one) year then are destroyed or archived depending on their nature.
The security of this data and the storage conditions are subject to the general conditions of the host, which has an SSL certificate for secure exchanges.
In accordance with the provisions of the law on the protection of personal data, Users have a right to information, access, opposition, rectification and deletion of data concerning them. To exercise these rights, you should write to:
Complaints Department
11 rue Vincens, Dakar, Senegal
Users declare that they accept the characteristics and limits of an online service, and in particular recognize:
The LAFRICAMOBILE SAS company does not grant any express or implicit guarantee with regard to the site. Users are responsible for choosing this service. Use of the LAFRICAMOBILE site by users is therefore done under their sole responsibility and at their own risk.
Under no circumstances will LAFRICAMOBILE SAS be liable for any direct or indirect damage that may be caused by the use of the LAFRICAMOBILE site.
By express agreement between the parties, indirect damages are considered to be any moral or commercial damage, loss of profits, turnover, orders, income, customers, loss of data and any action directed against Users by a third party. and the resulting consequences. This list is not exhaustive.
Users acknowledge that the guarantees and limitations of liability stipulated above operate between them and the company LAFRICAMOBILE SAS a reasonable distribution of risks and responsibilities, having regard to the context and the financial conditions governing the provision of the LAFRICAMOBILE site.
LAFRICAMOBILE SAS is the Owner of all data, in all forms, appearing on the site and the site itself.
LAFRICAMOBILE SAS reserves the right to interrupt access to the website and to the services offered to any person who does not comply with these T & Cs, and the basic rules of morality, loyalty and respect between people.
Regarding paid services, the service is only available for the period defined in the related contract. This service may also be interrupted for the same reasons mentioned above.
The parties to the T & Cs are independent. Neither party can make a commitment in the name or on behalf of the other party. Each party acts in its own name and on its own behalf, as an independent contractor. None of the stipulations of the T & Cs may be interpreted as creating between the parties a company, a joint venture, a mandate, a subsidiary, an agent or employee to employer relationship.
The T & Cs, including the rights and obligations stipulated therein, may under no circumstances be transferred by Users to a third party without the prior and express authorization of LAFRICAMOBILE SAS.
However, in the event of a modification of one of the parties to the contract, it must notify the other in writing without delay.
These T & Cs may be modified at any time. Users are informed by all means of any modification as of their entry into force.
If a clause of the T & Cs turns out to be null, the rest of the T & Cs will not be affected by the nullity of the clause.
The fact, for one of the parties, of not invoking any of the obligations referred to in the T & Cs, cannot be interpreted in the future as a waiver of the obligation in question.
The T & Cs are subject to the provisions of Senegalese law.
In the event of a dispute arising from the interpretation or execution of the T & Cs, the User may resort to a conventional mediation procedure or any other alternative dispute resolution method.
Otherwise, any dispute is brought before the geographically competent court.
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