
LAfricaMobile raises €4.3m ($4.6m) to become the leader in Cloud Communication in French-speaking Africa



Customize and add originality to your voice messages sent in the language of your choice!

Section Resume
Make your mass communication operations easier with the VOCALE LAM platform.

In a very simple way, speed and above all at the best value for money you can record and schedule the sending of your voice messages: Import your contacts directly on our platform and let us guide you!

Use Vocal to bring your messages to life! This service which allows you to record and / or broadcast a voice message to a group of people, either on their answering machine or by ringing their telephone

How To Section
How it works ?
Advantages Section
Advantages of the VOCAL platform
LAfricaMobile icone-simple


  • Easy to use
  • Bulk sending
  • Platform available 24h/7
LAfricaMobile icone-efficace


  • High capacity for sending messages
  • Optimal deliverability rate
  • Message customization
LAfricaMobile icone-fiable


  • Secure customer data
  • Real-time campaign statistics
  • Technical support, available 24h/7
Produit Script
In which case to use Push Vocal?
You want to innovate with a dynamic and customized communication?
The Push Vocal allows you to inform, alert or even question your audience using the language of your choice.
LAM also offers a tool for managing your telephone calls: The IVS (Interactive Voice Server)
The system is programmed to respond automatically to the actions of the caller (voice or pressing a key)

LAfricaMobile accompanies you by offering products adapted to the habits and expectations of local companies and populations.

Product Down Block

Our experts help you create a solution adapted
solution adapted to your business.
