
NGO and Associations

Increase your impact on your target with solutions adapted to local realities!

Section Cas d'usages 1

Inform and educate people, wherever they are, thanks to SMS

NGOs or non-governmental organizations are non-profit associations. Working in several development sectors and with the aim of being closer to the populations for which they work, NGOs need to have communication tools that impact the monitoring of programs with the populations. The SMS is one of these products, indeed thanks to the SMS you have the possibility of integrating information on your various campaigns but also, integrating links which can redirect to your site.

Section Cas d'usages 2

Collect information relevant to your business with simple means

Conduct surveys by SMS and thus collect information about your targets. There are two ways to approach surveys by SMS: it is possible to send an SMS containing a link redirecting to a questionnaire in good and due form or redirecting to your website. You also have the option of sending an SMS, allowing you to answer the question asked with a word or with a number corresponding to the question asked.

Section Cas d'usages 3

Distribute credit to encourage participation in your campaigns!

Thanks to airtime, transmit telephone credit to your employees when they travel in the field. LAfricaMobile provides you with a single interface on which you can make your shipments. Thanks to airtime, do credit recharge, rewarding or fleet management.

Section Cas d'usages 4

Set up an interactive voice server in the language(s) of your choice to communicate and increase your impact

The interactive voice server (IVR) allows you to better communicate with populations who are mainly in rural areas. For the NGOs most of the populations are in rural areas, and have a reading ability which is limited. It is then necessary to impact them to use voice messages but also to transmit the message in their dialect. The interactive voice server allows you to adapt as best you can.

Advantages Section

Access to the rural population

LAfricaMobile icone-simple

Intuitive platform

LAfricaMobile icone-efficace

Bulk sending


Statistiques :
Access to detailed statistics in real time

Produit Script
Partners Section
Product Down Block

Our experts help you create a solution adapted
solution adapted to your business.
