
LAfricaMobile raises €4.3m ($4.6m) to become the leader in Cloud Communication in French-speaking Africa


TTS (Text To Speech)

Communicate in Wolof with your target with AI.

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Bring your words to life in Wolof with AI

Are you ready to breathe life into your words in Wolof with AI? Wolof, a vibrant language spoken by millions of people in Senegal, Gambia and Mauritania, can now be brought to life thanks to the power of text-to-speech (TTS).

Wolof, Senegal's lingua franca

Wolof is the most widely spoken language in Senegal and serves as a lingua franca, facilitating communication between the country's different ethnic groups. With over 80% of the Senegalese population understanding it, Wolof represents a crucial communication channel for reaching a wide audience.

TTS: an innovative way to captivate your audience in Wolof

Using TTS to broadcast messages in Wolof offers an innovative approach to captivating your audience. Imagine a fluid, natural speech, delivered in your audience's native language, capable of touching them emotionally and maximizing the impact of your message.

How To Section
How it works ?
Advantages Section
Advantages of TTS (Text To Speech)
LAfricaMobile icone-simple


  • Easy to use
  • Platform available 24h/7
LAfricaMobile icone-efficace


  • Mass mailing
  • Satisfactory delivery rate
  • Possibility of customising
LAfricaMobile icone-fiable


  • Secure data
  • Real-time statistics
  • Technical support, available 24/7
Produit Script

When should TTS (Text To Speech) be used?

Campaigns in Wolof: Broadcast your message in Wolof, the language spoken by over 80% of the Senegalese population (9,416,000 people). Our innovative system translates texts written in French into Wolof, then vocalizes them, making it possible to broadcast the message via a number or launch a targeted campaign.

Customer support for businesses: Companies wishing to improve their customer service in Wolof can now integrate a virtual assistant with text-to-speech (TTS) technology. Customers can ask questions in their native language, and the assistant will provide voice responses in real time. This facilitates customer communication, reduces waiting times and improves the customer experience.

Government information services: government agencies can now use Wolof to broadcast crucial information to citizens. In the case of weather warnings, public health campaigns or announcements concerning social programs, the virtual assistant can vocalize this information clearly and accurately in Wolof.

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